Terms and Conditions

General Liability: by booking an MOT you consent to the following:

1 - I give full permission to receive Sport Massage.

2 - I understand that Sports Massage is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications.

3 - I understand that Sam Kennett - The Sport Massage Therapist does not diagnose illnesses, injuries or prescribe medications.

4 - I have clearance from my physician to receive Sports Massage.

5 - I release SK Sport Massage and the individual therapist Sam Kennett from all liability concerning any injuries that may occur from the Sport Massage Session.

6 - I understand the importance of informing the Sport Massage Therapist of all medical conditions and medications I am taking which may add additional risks to Sport Massage to my general condition.

7 - I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my Sport Massage Therapist during the session of any discomfort so they can adjust accordingly.

8 - There is a 10 minute late cancellation policy to which payment is non-refundable. We understand that situations can happen regarding traffic etc which may arise to which we can be very accommodating but contact us to let us know in advance time to see if we are able to accommodate. 48 hours prior is needed for cancellation for deposit return.

9 - Inappropriate behaviour or any sexual component insinuation to Sport Massage, joke, gesture, or request will result in immediate termination of the treatment & refusal of any services in the future.

10 - For the safety of The Sport Massage Therapist Sam Kennett, there might be CCTV cameras recording to which footage gets deleted within 48 hours if no issues arrive of recording for the Therapist's safety.